Bamboo Straws


Product Description

Bamboo straws are sustainably produced from all natural plant materials that biodegrade and don't pollute. Besides being safer for wildlife. they're safer for you, too, because they are chemical-free and harbor less bacteria than their plastic counterparts. A bamboo straw is for life. But a reusable bamboo straw has a long shelf life. They are durable, resilient and a doddle to keep clean between slurping on smoothies. But, if the day comes when you need to upgrade your eco-friendly drinking companion, you can pop it in the compost and it will decompose naturally. A purchase of bamboo straws is a vote for sustainable materials.

Bamboo Straw

Length 20cm / 22cm

Individual straws and straws packs are available

( 5 straws in 1 Pack )

Product Code CCS/0016

How to use it : They are washable and reusable. Use a jar of warm water with soap to shake them clean, or clean with a pipe cleaner. Do not expose your Bamboo Straws to extreme heat.